Spaceez has built strong partnership with Microsoft Mesh Worldwide

As 3D builder & Mesh integrator, Spaceez has been becoming a partner of Microsoft France for distribution in French-speaking European countries. We are also a partner of the product team in the USA, to keep abreast of the latest innovations.


microsoft france partnership with spaceez

Working very closely with Microsoft France's sales  and installation teams, we can support you throughout your company's digital transformation process.


Microsoft USA partnership with spaceez

Our partnership with the Mesh Product team in the USA enables us to stay up to date and make it easier for you to integrate Mesh into Teams.

A three-way win-win relationship

The entry point for European deployment

Our 360° positioning enables us to help you produce content on Mesh and deploy it in the best possible conditions.

Tailor-made support for French-speaking countries

Speaking the same language is a considerable asset when it comes to deploying new technology. Our bilingual French-English team will support you as closely as possible to your needs.

Keeping up to date with the USA product team

Microsoft Mesh is constantly improving. Being part of the restricted circle of affiliated studios, we have access the latest updates & roadmap.

Easy IT integration into your Microsoft eco-system

Our close relationship with the product team in the USA & sales engineers means we can provide significant help in integrating Mesh into your Microsoft environment.

Mesh Incubator Program Overview


Phone - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

A 6 months  program in 3 phases :

Acculturation & POC | Mesh deployment | Immersive meeting extension

Desktop - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Personalized Support and Guidance

Coaching | Training | 3D Building | IT Support

Users - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Priority partnership with Spaceez & Mesh US Product Team

NDA | visio-meetings | co-development | roadmap | feedbacks

Gear - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Exclusive privilege to advanced Mesh technology development

Be one of the 1st companies worldwide to deploy Mesh in Teams

Reports - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Membership Key benefits

Unique licencing & services rates

Password - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

VIP Access to US Microsoft Headquarters

Learning journey at US Microsoft HQ - Redmond (Washington State)

Get started with Mesh

Let's go !

Meta Group Partnership

Spaceez is a partner of the Meta group through its subsidiary VR ACADEMIE for the distribution of Meta Quest virtual reality headsets.

contact us
Meta Quest Distributor by Spaceez